TORONTO – The Steelworkers Humanity Fund is contributing $25,000 to communities throughout the Caribbean impacted by Hurricane Irma.
“Irma was a devastating storm, unlike anything seen in decades, where it touched down in Antigua and Barbuda, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
“Once again it is the poorest communities that will have the greatest difficulty recovering and re-establishing livelihoods. It is an all-too-familiar pattern that global climate change is making worse,” said Ken Neumann, President of the Steelworkers Humanity Fund and National Director of the United Steelworkers.
The aid will be channelled through the Red Cross and Oxfam.
The Steelworkers Humanity Fund is a registered charitable organization that promotes respect for human rights and contributes to development projects and emergency aid in developing countries, as well as supporting Canadian communities in crisis. United Steelworkers members contribute to the Fund through clauses negotiated into collective agreements. In some cases employers make matching contributions.