Steelworkers have voted!

On April 9, 2024, the Union met with the Residence Don Membership to review and vote on the tentative agreement from the Employer for your first Collective Agreement. We are pleased to announce that 96.2% of Steelworkers who participated in the Ratification Vote, ACCEPTED the contract.

Click here to review the new Contract.

It’s time to build your Union!

USW Local 2010-02 Interim Residence Dons Unit
USW Local 2010 is designated as an Amalgamated Local Union, because there is more than one bargaining unit and Collective Agreement (contract) within its Membership. The different workplace units/contracts in an amalgamated Union are known as Units. Interim Unit elections took place August 2023. See below for details.

If you have questions regarding the elections process, please email:

Steelworkers have voted!

On April 9, 2024, the Union met with the Residence Don Membership to review and vote on the tentative agreement from the Employer for your first Collective Agreement.

We are pleased to announce that 96.2% of Steelworkers who participated in the Ratification Vote, ACCEPTED the contract.

Language highlights and monetary matters for the first Collective Agreement can be reviewed by clicking here.  The electronic version of the Collective Agreement to be published soon.

If you have questions regarding the new contract, please email:

We thank all Steelworkers who engaged in the bargaining processes, and for taking the time to make your voices heard by participating in the vote.


In Solidarity | USW Local 2010-02 Residence Dons Bargaining Committee 2024
Jun Wei (Allen) Wu | Jeffrey You | Jessica Sun
Catherine Landon (Advisor) | Ahmer Shahzad (Advisor) | Ryan Cheng (Advisor)
Kelly J. Orser, Co-Chief Spokesperson, President, and Committee Chair
Briana Broderick, Co-Chief Spokesperson and USW Staff Representative

Samantha Samson, Assistant to the Bargaining Committee
Syed Akhtar, USW Staff Representative

USW Local 2010 Ratification Presentation & Vote:

Meeting Details:
Date:  Tuesday, April 9, 2024; 4:30pm
Agenda:  presentation; Q&A; vote 

Location: in-person; A011 Victoria Hall, or via ZOOM

Pizza will be served.

Login details for those attending via Zoom:
Log into the meeting between 4:15pm and 4:30pm to ensure that your technology is working, and to allow time for you to move from the waiting room to the meeting room, as each USW Residence Don will need to have their membership status verified.

Please ensure your Zoom name is your first and last name before joining the zoom link. Once you have the meeting open, you can leave it running in the background until the meeting begins.


Join us in-person…

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 4:30pm
A011 Victoria Hall
Presentation; Q&A; Vote

(paper ballot vote)

Members participating in-person will be able to line-up for verification of Membership (ensuring eligibility to vote; receive their paper ballot), and cast their paper ballot vote to either ACCEPT the contract or vote to STRIKE.

Join us via Zoom…

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 4:30pm
Presentation; Q&A; Vote

Register in advance for this Zoom Meeting.

Immediately following the Q&A session, Members will be provided with a link (via the Zoom chat feature) for voting purposes.

This link will open a new application that will allow individual Members to cast an electronic vote to either ACCEPT the contract or vote to STRIKE.

Jun Wei (Allen) Wu (elected)
Kelly J. Orser, Co-Chief Spokesperson, President, and Bargaining Committee Chair

Jeffrey You (appointed)
Jessica Sun (appointed)

Catherine Landon (Advisory Member)
Ahmer Shahzad (Advisory Member)
Ryan Cheng (Advisory Member)

Kelly J. Orser, Co-Chief Spokesperson, President, and Bargaining Committee Chair
Briana Broderick, Co-Chief Spokesperson and USW Staff Representative

Samantha Samson, Member Services Coordinator and Assistant to the Bargaining Committee
Syed Akhtar, USW Staff Representative


Isa (Daniel) Fichtinger

Hello everyone, my name is Isa! I’m stepping into my fifth year in Computer Science at Queen’s, and thrilled to start my second year serving as a Don. While many of you may recognize me from our recent unionization campaign, I realize we also have a number of new faces among the Dons this year.

For those unfamiliar with my background, I was intimately involved with the campaign to unionize right from the get-go. I was there at the genesis of the idea and part of the pioneering group of Dons who first liaised with USW. As a member of the Internal Committee, I was privileged to campaign alongside some remarkably talented individuals. Their collaboration enabled me to authentically champion our cause, persuading numerous Dons who ultimately voted for unionization. This journey expanded my social interactions, letting me engage with a diverse group of Dons from various backgrounds, bolstering my appreciation for the consistent hard work they invest every day to maintain Residence as a safe and welcoming home for our students.

Through the campaign, I gained significant insights into the intricacies of how Residence operates, and, most crucially, what the Dons truly need and deserve. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Bargaining Committee, and I believe that my campaign experience makes me uniquely equipped to effectively represent each of you at the bargaining table.

Jun Wei (Allen) Wu

Hello! My name is Allen, and I’m honored and enthusiastic to be running for a position on the upcoming USW Residence Dons Bargaining Committee.

Having spent this past year as a Residence Facilitator, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with my dedicated Residence Don team, allowing me to gain valuable insight to better comprehend the difficulties and situations Dons face on a day-to-day basis.

My desire to be a part of this committee is driven by my passion to create a workplace environment that is both fair and equal for all members. I believe I am an ideal candidate to represent USW on the upcoming bargaining committee as I’ve been a strong advocate for improving the student residence experience.

My leadership roles within the Residence Society, Alma Mater Society, and Providence Care Hospital have allowed me to build a strong background in conflict resolution, effective communication, and advocacy, enabling me to help push for our Dons’ interests and facilitate productive negotiations.

As a candidate, I believe in prioritizing transparency, open communication, and active engagement between involved parties. I am confident that by fostering a collaborative atmosphere, we can attain positive outcomes that benefit all members of our community.

If elected, I will wholeheartedly dedicate my time and efforts to ensure that the concerns and needs of every Don are heard and addressed during negotiations. Together, we can build an inclusive and supportive environment where every Don feels valued and empowered.

Kelly J. Orser

Co-Chief Spokesperson, President, and Bargaining Committee Chair

Kelly has been on full-time union release, working in the Local 2010 Union Office since December 2012. This is her fourth term as President.

Her position at Queen’s (held) is the Graduate Program Assistant and Professional Development Course Coordinator in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering.

Kelly has participated and lead 7 rounds of contract bargaining for Steelworkers to date, with 2 more sets of negotiations underway for Residence Dons (first contract) and Academic Assistants (renewal contract).

Kelly has been a labour activist and advocate for Queen’s Steelworkers for many years.


Jeffrey You

Hey! I’m Jeffrey, a returning Residence Don at Queen’s University. Now, there’s no denying that there are benefits to being a don here, but now with a union, there’s actually an opportunity to make things better. Let me represent you in our chance to push our ideas forward, to let our voices be heard, and to enact lasting changes that will improve the jobs of dons for the years to come.

Previously, when I was the Student Senator, I created a student committee, BHSSF or the ‘Federation’ to bring together students and clubs in unity to improve student life and provide advancement opportunities in student voice and leadership. Together, we petitioned against unreasonable rules, proposed health-related changes, and improved city public transit.

Many years back, the cafeteria prices were excessive at my high school, so I contacted the food service. They lowered prices and installed a price menu for transparency! Organizations will listen, but it’s often our job to guide them in the right direction, correcting errors that exist and bargaining for improvements to come.

My goal on the bargaining committee is to maximize the benefits of each and every individual beyond the total costs of the job (both mental and physical) and beyond what we had before. We will make our union meaningful and it involves the thoughts and opinions of each and every one of you. I will bargain for your future, our future together as Residence Dons.

Jessica Sun

Hello, my name is Jessica Sun and I am a second-year health science student. I am excited to be a member of the Residence Don Bargaining Committee and I look forward to negotiating a contract in which we are properly represented and protected.


Catherine Landon

Hello! My name is Catherine Landon (she/her). I have worked at Queen’s University for 20 years and spent 18 of those years with Housing & Ancillary Services, Residence Life & Service in the role of Administrative Secretary.

I am so very excited to be joining the USW 2010-02 Residence Dons Bargaining Committee and to have the opportunity to contribute to positive, impactful change.

I look forward to working hard for the Residence Dons.

Ahmer Shahzad

My name is Ahmer Shahzad, and I have worked with Queen’s since August 2021, focusing on Finance, Administration, Payroll & HR.

I am looking forward to participating on the Advisory Committee to the bargaining team for the Residence Dons.

Ryan Cheng


Kelly J. Orser
Co-Chief Spokesperson, President, and Bargaining Committee Chair

Briana Broderick
Co-Chief Spokesperson, Vice-President, and Senior Grievance Officer

Syed Akhtar
USW Staff Representative

Samantha Samson
Bargaining Committee Assistant and Member Services Coordinator

Proposals for your Review:

In the interest of engaging as many Residence Dons as possible during the bargaining process, your Bargaining Committee will share the language proposals they will develop on your behalf.

Click here to view these proposals.

Monetary proposals to be developed at a later date to align with the bargaining process.

Questions and comments about proposals can be directed to:

The nomination period to run as a Member of the Residence Dons Bargaining Committee have now concluded.

Nominees running in this election are shown above.  All candidates have been vetted for eligibility.  Please review the biographies of each candidate below.


Elections are now CLOSED to elect your Residence Dons Bargaining Committee.

Election results will establish the following:

  • The top 2 candidates will comprise the elected Bargaining Committee Members
  • The next 2 candidates will comprise the “alternate” Bargaining Committee Members
  • The final 3 candidates will comprise the “secondary alternates”

In the event an elected Member is unable to perform their duties, alternates will be appointed by the Local 2010 Executive Board to the Residence Dons Bargaining Committee in ranked order (based on election results).

The election will take place August 8 – 10, 2023 and will be conducted electronically, which should allow members access to the process regardless of schedule/location (e.g., working remotely, vacation, etc.).

The election will FINISH: Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Review the candidate biographies below to decide who you will vote for in ranked order for the Residence Dons Bargaining Committee.

CANDIDATE BIOGRAPHIES (shown in alphabetical order):

Isa (Daniel) Fichtinger

Hello everyone, my name is Isa! I’m stepping into my fifth year in Computer Science at Queen’s, and thrilled to start my second year serving as a Don. While many of you may recognize me from our recent unionization campaign, I realize we also have a number of new faces among the Dons this year.

For those unfamiliar with my background, I was intimately involved with the campaign to unionize right from the get-go. I was there at the genesis of the idea and part of the pioneering group of Dons who first liaised with USW. As a member of the Internal Committee, I was privileged to campaign alongside some remarkably talented individuals. Their collaboration enabled me to authentically champion our cause, persuading numerous Dons who ultimately voted for unionization. This journey expanded my social interactions, letting me engage with a diverse group of Dons from various backgrounds, bolstering my appreciation for the consistent hard work they invest every day to maintain Residence as a safe and welcoming home for our students.

Through the campaign, I gained significant insights into the intricacies of how Residence operates, and, most crucially, what the Dons truly need and deserve. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Bargaining Committee, and I believe that my campaign experience makes me uniquely equipped to effectively represent each of you at the bargaining table.

Nate (Layth) Malhis

Nate (Layth) Malhis is a dedicated candidate running for the position of union representative for our residence Don team. Currently a fifth-year Concurrent Education student at Queen’s University, specializing in History and FNMI Curricula, Nate brings a wealth of experience and commitment to this role. Having worked in various roles since the age of 15, Nate is well knowledgeable on the divide and the exploitative nature employees face in the workspace. Having completed practicums in the English Developing Learners program, Nate has a proven track record of bridging gaps in diverse classroom settings.

Nate’s unique perspective, combined with his passion for fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, makes him an excellent candidate for the role of union representative. His vision includes the integration of culturally responsive strategies that promote understanding and collaboration among our diverse team of residence Dons. Vote for Nate to ensure effective representation and a brighter future for our union and community.

Aarchi Shah

A second-year undergraduate
I am an international student going into my second year in the Faculty of Arts and Science. This being my first-year donning, I am eagerly waiting to meet and assist the incoming students have a smooth transition to Queen’s by associating with them and joining the team to make important decisions about the proposals and regulations.

Having worked for the Queen’s front desk and clubs such as MUN, DANCERAMA, and QSAT, I have been able to lead some events, communicate with numerous students and members, take essential steps, make decisions, and know how to back them up. I strongly believe this has made me more prepared for the bargaining position.

If elected to the team, I will be thrilled to listen to more views and ideas brought to our attention! I will utilize my skills and experiences to review them thoroughly and negotiate the agreement. Observing the bargaining procedure closely, giving the members in the union and students an equal opportunity to share their views would be one idea I would implement.

I appreciate this opportunity and look forward to working with the unions in bargaining and the negotiating process!

Jessica Sun

Hello, my name is Jessica Sun and I am excited to run for the Residence Don Bargaining Committee. As a health science student with a passion for equitable healthcare, I am eager to bring positive change to this community.

A bit about me: Last year I was media assistant and academic writer for the Learning Theory Dog Project at Bader College. This year, I am a Bader College Ambassador and Tour Guide.

Through my studies in health science, I have engaged in critical discussions of social justice, equitable healthcare, and workers’ rights in healthcare. These experiences have fueled my passion for improving collective well-being in healthcare, and now for residence dons.

Recognizing the vulnerable position dons are in with the possibility of overworking and blurred responsibilities, I am determined to protect our rights so that we can fulfill our duties in a supportive and fair work environment while ensuring our own positive university experience.

Having captained a rep hockey team and a varsity field hockey team, I have honed essential skills in team building, communication, and conflict resolution. I understand how to consolidate ideas and reach an agreement that pursues our best interests. I will bring this experience to the committee and be an active listener, ensuring every person’s concern is voiced to Queen’s and keeping dons informed throughout the process. With a strong work ethic and dedication, I commit to negotiating a contract in which we are properly represented and protected. Thank you for your support and consideration.

Xian Tronsgard

Hello! My name is Xian Tronsgard. I’m a second year BAH student who has been employed at Queen’s as a Front Desk Representative during the Academic and Conference 2022-2023 year. I am ecstatic to participate in this campaigning process – a crucial step for advocating our rights and interests as Dons.

The reason for the union is to establish fair compensation that reflects the various responsibilities required as a Don. We need to facilitate meaningful conversation with Reslife regarding the expectations and the support needed to be successful.

The effective communication, leadership and teamwork skills I possess will be used to ensure the best results. With over five years of marketing and project management experience for student-lead organizations, most notably for a Canadian medical start-up company, I can concisely relate information to elicit a desired response.

My leadership style emphasizes communication and transparency, ultimately improving motivation. Through learning about the union’s importance throughout my Queen’s employment, I am dedicated to providing the best negotiations to address the historically high Residence Don turnover rate.

My optimism for actionable positive change stems from this diverse team. We all became dons for different reasons, yet we are here today to impact these students’ lives. Even just the brief meeting at orientation, I’m excited to know each and everyone of you and amplify your voice. Let’s foster a better relationship with ResLife, one where we’re passionate, supported and inspired to be not only better Dons, but better Queen’s leaders.

Jun Wei (Allen) Wu

Hello! My name is Allen, and I’m honored and enthusiastic to be running for a position on the upcoming USW Residence Dons Bargaining Committee.

Having spent this past year as a Residence Facilitator, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with my dedicated Residence Don team, allowing me to gain valuable insight to better comprehend the difficulties and situations Dons face on a day-to-day basis.

My desire to be a part of this committee is driven by my passion to create a workplace environment that is both fair and equal for all members.

I believe I am an ideal candidate to represent USW on the upcoming bargaining committee as I’ve been a strong advocate for improving the student residence experience.

My leadership roles within the Residence Society, Alma Mater Society, and Providence Care Hospital have allowed me to build a strong background in conflict resolution, effective communication, and advocacy, enabling me to help push for our Dons’ interests and facilitate productive negotiations.

As a candidate, I believe in prioritizing transparency, open communication, and active engagement between involved parties. I am confident that by fostering a collaborative atmosphere, we can attain positive outcomes that benefit all members of our community.

If elected, I will wholeheartedly dedicate my time and efforts to ensure that the concerns and needs of every Don are heard and addressed during negotiations.

Together, we can build an inclusive and supportive environment where every Don feels valued and empowered.

Jeffrey You

Hey! I’m Jeffrey, a returning Residence Don at Queen’s University. Now, there’s no denying that there are benefits to being a don here, but now with a union, there’s actually an opportunity to make things better. Let me represent you in our chance to push our ideas forward, to let our voices be heard, and to enact lasting changes that will improve the jobs of dons for the years to come.

Previously, when I was the Student Senator, I created a student committee, BHSSF or the ‘Federation’ to bring together students and clubs in unity to improve student life and provide advancement opportunities in student voice and leadership. Together, we petitioned against unreasonable rules, proposed health-related changes, and improved city public transit.

Many years back, the cafeteria prices were excessive at my high school, so I contacted the food service. They lowered prices and installed a price menu for transparency! Organizations will listen, but it’s often our job to guide them in the right direction, correcting errors that exist and bargaining for improvements to come.

My goal on the bargaining committee is to maximize the benefits of each and every individual beyond the total costs of the job (both mental and physical) and beyond what we had before. We will make our union meaningful and it involves the thoughts and opinions of each and every one of you. I will bargain for your future, our future together as Residence Dons.

It’s time to negotiate a better Collective Agreement
The role of the bargaining committee is to negotiate the best possible collective agreement that reflects the priorities of the membership.

Bargaining Committee Composition
There will be 3 positions on the Bargaining Committee, the President, plus 2 Members. The election will establish the 2 committee positions.

To be eligible for election to the Bargaining Committee, Members must hold a work contract with Queen’s Residence this upcoming academic year.

Bargaining Committee Responsibilities

  • Survey the membership regarding bargaining issues;
  • Development, review and revision of bargaining proposals;
  • Ensure members’ priorities and concerns are reflected in the proposals;
    Attend negotiations at the bargaining table as a key part of the union team;
  • Decide which proposals to withdraw, which ones to revise and which ones to retain during negotiations;
  • Recommend acceptance or rejection of a tentative agreement and explain to the membership how their priorities and concerns are reflected in the settlement.

Notice to Bargain for Residence Dons

As you are aware, USW Local 2010 was recently certified as the bargaining agent for Queen’s Residence Dons.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, 1995, Local 2010 has served written notice of the Union’s intention to begin negotiations with the Employer, with a view to establishing a first Collective Agreement (contract) for Residence Dons.

Click here to review the notification letter to the Employer.

The Residence Don bargaining unit will be comprised of ~145 Members.  Please review the information below to familiarize yourself with the details.  If you have questions regarding the process of bargaining a new contract, please email:

The Union held 2 virtual meetings on July 26 and 27 to discuss the next steps in

building your new Local 2010-02 Union and preparing for Bargaining.

If you were unable to attend 1 of these meetings, please view/watch/listen to the presentation for next steps.

Click here to view the presentation.

Click here to watch the presentation.

Click here to listen to the presentation.

Welcome Residence Don’s to Queen’s Campus!


DOWNLOAD the Residence Dons Timesheet – 2023 now and fill it out!

We hope that your first couple of weeks on campus has been engaging and that your residence training has been safe and fun.

Now that you have elected your Bargaining Committee, a Membership Survey will be developed and distributed to help set the priorities for bargaining. We will use these priorities to create proposals (contract language) for bargaining with the Employer.

One of the bargaining priorities that we are aware of is the desire to attend and participate in paid Residence Don training. While it is a negotiable aspect of your new Collective Agreement (contract) with Queen’s, it is important to begin planning now for this proposal.

To ensure that we develop a paid training proposal that is reasonable and appropriate to present to the Employer, we will need all Residence Dons to keep a timesheet of all hours worked this year while training.

Please download the Residence Dons Timesheet – 2023 (excel spreadsheet) and begin recording your hours for each day of training.

Once training is completed, sign your timesheet and email it to Samantha Samson at:

If you have any questions regarding this process, email

Isa (Daniel) Fichtinger, Unit Chair (acclaimed)
Layth (Nate) Malhis, Unit Grievor (acclaimed)
Open Position, Unit Recording Secretary

LOCAL 2010-02 RESIDENCE DONS Union Representatives:
Open Positions, Union Reps

Email with questions.

Isa (Daniel) Fichtinger


Hello everyone, my name is Isa! I’m stepping into my fifth year in Computer Science at Queen’s, and thrilled to start my second year serving as a Don. While many of you may recognize me from our recent unionization campaign, I realize we also have a number of new faces among the Dons this year.

For those unfamiliar with my background, I was intimately involved with the campaign to unionize right from the get-go. I was there at the genesis of the idea and part of the pioneering group of Dons who first liaised with USW. As a member of the Internal Committee, I was privileged to campaign alongside some remarkably talented individuals. Their collaboration enabled me to authentically champion our cause, persuading numerous Dons who ultimately voted for unionization. This journey expanded my social interactions, letting me engage with a diverse group of Dons from various backgrounds, bolstering my appreciation for the consistent hard work they invest every day to maintain Residence as a safe and welcoming home for our students.

Through the campaign, I gained significant insights into the intricacies of how Residence operates, and, most crucially, what the Dons truly need and deserve. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Bargaining Committee, and I believe that my campaign experience makes me uniquely equipped to effectively represent each of you at the bargaining table.

Nate (Layth) Malhis


Nate (Layth) Malhis is a dedicated candidate running for the position of union representative for our residence Don team. Currently a fifth-year Concurrent Education student at Queen’s University, specializing in History and FNMI Curricula, Nate brings a wealth of experience and commitment to this role. Having worked in various roles since the age of 15, Nate is well knowledgeable on the divide and the exploitative nature employees face in the workspace. Having completed practicums in the English Developing Learners program, Nate has a proven track record of bridging gaps in diverse classroom settings.

Nate’s unique perspective, combined with his passion for fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, makes him an excellent candidate for the role of union representative. His vision includes the integration of culturally responsive strategies that promote understanding and collaboration among our diverse team of residence Dons. Vote for Nate to ensure effective representation and a brighter future for our union and community.



Email if you are interested in this position.


USW Local 2010 is designated as an Amalgamated Local Union.

Elections for the Local 2010-02 Interim Unit positions were held in August 2023. The elected positions included, the Unit Chair, Unit Secretary, Unit Grievor, and Union Representatives (aka Stewards).

The role of the 2010-02 Interim Unit is to oversee the operations of the 2010-02 Unit, and to ensure that all policies, guidelines, and practices are administered in accordance with the USW Constitution, Local 2010 approved By-Laws, and with approval of the Executive Board Officers.

Further details regarding the governance and duties of Local Union Officers can be found here.

Eligibility for ElectionTo be eligible for election to the Interim Unit, members must hold a work contract with Queen’s Residence this upcoming academic year.

ExperienceWe anticipate that most Residence Dons will not have prior experience in running a Local Union Unit. Based on this, Local 2010 will train those who are elected to the Interim Unit.


Members emailed their nomination(s), or self-nomination(s) to for the following positions (clearly identify which person/name is nominated for which position):

  • Unit Chair
  • Unit Secretary
  • Unit Grievor
  • Union Representative(s)

Nominations OPENED Monday, August 21, 2023 at 9:00am

Nominations CLOSED Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 5:00pm


All nominees were vetted for eligibility and accepted their nomination.

The election took place August 29 – 31, 2023 and was conducted electronically, allowing members access to the process regardless of schedule/location (e.g. working remotely, vacation, etc.).

The election OPENED Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 9:00am

The election CLOSED Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 5:00pm