It’s time to build your Union!

USW Local 2010 is designated as an Amalgamated Local Union, because there is more than one bargaining unit and Collective Agreement (contract) within its Membership. The different workplace units/contracts in an amalgamated Union are known as Units.

USW Local 2010 is designated as an Amalgamated Local Union.

We are now running elections for the Local 2010-02 Interim Unit positions. The elected positions include, the Unit Chair, Unit Secretary, Unit Grievor, and Union Representatives (aka Stewards).

The role of the 2010-02 Interim Unit is to oversee the operations of the 2010-02 Unit, and to ensure that all policies, guidelines, and practices are administered in accordance with the USW Constitution, Local 2010 approved By-Laws, and with approval of the Executive Board Officers.

Further details regarding the governance and duties of Local Union Officers can be found here.

Eligibility for ElectionTo be eligible for election to the Interim Unit, members must hold a work contract with Queen’s Residence this upcoming academic year.

ExperienceWe anticipate that most Residence Dons will not have prior experience in running a Local Union Unit. Based on this, Local 2010 will train those who are elected to the Interim Unit.


Please email your nomination(s), or self-nomination to for the following positions:

  • Unit Chair
  • Unit Secretary
  • Unit Grievor
  • Union Representative(s)

Clearly identify which name is nominated for which position.

Nominations OPEN Monday, August 21, 2023 at 9:00am

Nominations CLOSE Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 5:00pm


Once all nominees have been vetted for eligibility and have accepted their nomination, election biographies will be sent by email for review by the Membership.

The election will take place August 29 – 31, 2023 and will be conducted electronically, which should allow members access to the process regardless of schedule/location (e.g. working remotely, vacation, etc.).

The election will OPEN Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

The election will CLOSE Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Details regarding the vote results will be sent by email to all members on September 1, 2023.