On August 5, 2020, the joint USW Local 2010 and Queen’s Job Evaluation (JE) Committee launched the next phase of the Job Evaluation Project, which is the release of the job evaluation results and appeal process.
The key considerations noted below provide a “quick reference” to the critical specifics you will need to familiarize yourself with before beginning the review of your JE Results Form.
JE Results (or Job Content Questionnaire [JCQ] data) must be reviewed (verified) by 3 Parties to be deemed as final:
1) HR Evaluators (employer);
2) USW Auditors (union);
3) Employees/Members (you)
Carrying out a proper review of your JE Results is critical to all Steelworkers, as the verified data will affect our annual wages and ultimately determine our placement on the Salary Grid (i.e. promotion; remain unchanged; downgraded [red-circled]).
Career mobility for all Steelworkers is also positively impacted in the overall Job Evaluation process, as it will provide a verified baseline for all positions in the bargaining unit (~1300). This means that in the future when you apply for a new job within the bargaining unit, you will know that the position was verified by HR, USW, and a colleague, as well as that the position salary is commensurate with the daily tasks.
There are only 3 possible outcomes for Steelworkers as it relates to our Salary Grid grades:
1) promotion (upgrade);
2) remain unchanged (same grade);
3) downgrade (red-circled)
Salary Grid (i.e. grade) information is not addressed during the JE Results & Appeals phase; this part of the project will occur in the next phase of the Job Evaluation Project.
There are 3 possible Appeal outcomes:
1) agree with the JE Results; no information was omitted at the time of JCQ submission, you understand the sub-factor rating scale/scores;
2) information/job tasks were omitted (forgotten, not added at the time of your JCQ was submitted), and they need to be added to your JCQ data – via the Appeal Form – so your position can be re-assessed to see if your rating scores increase;
3) sub-factor(s) were not sufficiently credited, or you cannot determine if you were sufficiently credited because you do not understand the sub-factor rating scale/scores;
*NOTE: members can submit 1 Appeal Form that combines outcomes 2 & 3 above (i.e. information to add to some sub-factors, and other sub-factors that you are unable to determine if you were sufficiently credited.
The Job Evaluation Tool rating scale is:
• 1 – 3 for some sub-factors
• 1 – 5 for some sub-factors
• 1 – 7 for remaining sub-factors
JE Results reflect the requirements of the position/job, not the skills, capabilities or performance of the individual; a performance appraisal (different process) is used by Human Resources to assess an employee performance in a job.
JE Results have been evaluated as of “time of JCQ submission” (e.g. October 2018); not date of receipt of results.
JE Results are linked to your current position.
The dates to submit your Appeal Form are August 5 – September 4, 2020; a 30-Day short window.
Managers should participate in the process, but they do not have to; you can submit an Appeal Form without your Managers participation, approval, signature or consent
Attendance at the USW virtual Town Hall Meetings and/or HR Information Session is permissible as paid time to attend.
Multi-incumbent Groups: valid appeals for multi-incumbent positions require 50% of the group to participate in submitting an Appeal Form (e.g. if the group has 10 members, at least 5 incumbents must agree to submit an appeal for it to be processed).
Multi-incumbent Groups: separate Appeal Forms can be submitted by each incumbent for a multi-incumbent position, including appeals citing concerns with different Sub-Factors or a single Appeal Form can be completed on behalf of more than one incumbent.
CAUTION: careful discussing your actual rating scores with HR – they are the “evaluators”; their advice regarding ratings at this point in the process, could constitute a conflict of interest.
The process of reviewing your JE Results must be transparent and understandable so that you can make an informed decision on whether you need to appeal your evaluation results. If you cannot understand how you have been evaluated and you do not appeal, it could have a negative impact on which Salary Grade you are assigned.
When Salary Grid notifications are circulated to Steelworkers in ~2021 (if project timelines are not extended) and individuals find out their personal results (i.e. upgraded [promotion]; remain unchanged [same grade]; downgraded [red-circled]), these results will be deemed final at that time and will not be subject to further appeal or the grievance procedure. The only window to review your results and appeal if necessary is August 5 – September 4, 2020 inclusive.
• If you do not understand your JE Results – APPEAL
• Do not find the process transparent – APPEAL
• When in doubt – APPEAL
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A joint Queen’s and USW Local 2010 (“the university and USW”) committee developed a new job evaluation tool which was applied to positions across the bargaining unit. This tool measures the skill, effort and responsibility of a position, along with the working conditions in which the position operates.
Incumbents in positions within the USW bargaining unit who participated in the process completed a Job Content Questionnaire (“JCQ”)*. Each JCQ submitted in the process was reviewed by the HR evaluation team who applied the tool in order to credit the work being performed by the positions.
During the evaluation process, USW audited the evaluation results for positions in a Reference Data Set (“RDS”), along with a subset of non-RDS positions. The university and USW engaged in a process for resolving any disagreements on the outcome of the evaluation process. The evaluation and audit work is now complete and the results are being provided to employees.
* There was no completed JCQ submitted for a small group of employees. A Position Summary, reviewed jointly by the HR evaluation team and the USW audit team, was used to determine the evaluation Results for their position. These employees will receive a copy of this Position Summary along with their Results Form to assist them with their review.
USW Local 2010 and Queen’s have agreed to an Appeal Process. As part of this process employees and/or managers will have 30 days from the date of notification of their results (August 5, 2020) to dispute those results. The grounds for appealing a result(s) have been defined by the university and USW.
The deadline for submitting an appeal is September 4, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST.
There are 3 possible Appeal outcomes:
1) agree with the JE Results; no information was omitted at the time of JCQ submission, you understand the sub-factor rating scale/scores;
2) information/job tasks were omitted (forgotten, not added at the time of your JCQ was submitted), and they need to be added to your JCQ data – via the Appeal Form – so your position can be re-assessed to see if your rating scores increase;
3) sub-factor(s) were not sufficiently credited, or you cannot determine if you were sufficiently credited because you do not understand the sub-factor rating scale/scores;
NOTE: members can submit 1 Appeal Form that combines outcomes 2 & 3 above (i.e. information to add to some sub-factors, and other sub-factors that you are unable to determine if you were sufficiently credited.
Steps involved with submitting an Appeal:
1) Download the fillable PDF Appeal Form.
2) Complete the Appeal Form. There is a section in the Guide to JE Results (page 5, ‘Appeal Process’) that would be helpful to review during this step.
3) Sign the completed Appeal Form. Also ask your manager to sign the Appeal Form; if they do not wish to sign, the Appeal Form can be submitted without their signature.
4) Email the completed Appeal Form to je.project@queensu.ca with a copy to jobeval@usw2010.ca by September 4, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST.
5) You and your manager will receive an email notification that your Appeal Form was received.
6) USW will review your Appeal Form within 30 days of receiving it. USW will inform Human Resources of which Appeals they consider valid and would like to review.
7) You and your manager will receive an email from Human Resources as to whether your Appeal will be proceeding.
8) The university and USW will continue through the rest of the steps outlined in the Appeal process.
Attend one of our USW virtual Town Hall Meetings via Zoom to learn about the JE Project, and details regarding the JE Results review and Appeal process. There will be an opportunity during these Town Meetings to ask questions.
Please add these dates and times to your calendars:
• Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 2:00 pm
• Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 10:30 am
• Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 1:30 pm
• Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 12 noon
Each meeting will be 60-90 minutes in length to allow ample time for Q&As.
Details and the Zoom link to log into these Town Hall meetings will be sent by email in advance of the meeting start time (i.e. 12-24 hours in advance). Watch your email for details and updates. Emails regarding Job Evaluation will be sent to your Queen’s email address (check your junk folder if you are not receiving your messages).
Steelworkers should plan to attend at least one meeting but may find it necessary to attend an early meeting — perform an initial review your job evaluation results – and then attend a second meeting to ask questions (if any).
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Frequently Asked Questions – Revised August 20, 2020
Who do I contact if I have not received my Job Evaluation Results?
- You should contact Human Resources at je.project@queensu.ca or extension 78018.
When should you Appeal:
- If the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) is missing information (omitted) or under-describes details about the work performed on the date the JCQ was submitted to Human Resources (e.g. October 2018), you will need to use the Appeal Form to submit the additional information to Human Resources to have your results reassessed;
and / or
- If you do not feel that the HR Evaluators sufficiently credited (considered) all of the information provided in the JCQ on the date of submission to Human Resources (e.g. October 2018), in one or more of the 12 sub-factors, then you will need to complete and submit an Appeal Form to Human Resources to have your results reassessed.
- Further details regarding the appeal process can be found here. Appeal Forms must be completed and submitted to Human Resources on or before September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST by emailing your form to: je.project@queensu.ca.
Does my manager have to sign off on my Appeal Form? – there is a space for this on the form.
- No, your manager does not have to sign you Appeal Form, nor agree with your appeal. This is your decision; you are free to submit your Appeal Form without their signature and at any time.
I submitted my Appeal Form but now I remember MORE information. What do I do? Is it too late?
- No, it is not too late. Simply open your original Appeal Form, revise it, rename it version #2, and resubmit it to Human Resources. You can do this as many times as you need to until the deadline of September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST.
Some of us in the same department filled out sections of the JCQ with identical cut and paste language, but we received a different score in the same Sub-Factor. What is going on?
- This is indicative of a consistency checking mistake that the auditors did not catch. It is very important that you all submit an appeal with a detailed explanation of this problem. This is why this review process is so important to reviewing/validating your Job Evaluation Results before they are deemed final.
I do not see any salary information on my Job Evaluation Results Form. Where do I find this information?
- Your JE Results do not include the grade of your current job. This will be determined when the appeal process has been completed.
- The grade of your current job will be determined in the next phase of the Job Evaluation Project (~spring 2021).
How do we know which of the rating scales apply to which sub-factor? Which ones are scored between 1-3, 1-5 and 1-7?
- Currently the 12 Sub-factors & definitions (rating scale) are considered confidential and are not being released to Steelworkers for use during the review of their Job Evaluation Results Forms. This may make it difficult for you to determine if you have been sufficiently credited (considered) in one or all of your 12 sub-factor ratings.
- If you are unable to determine if you have been sufficiently credited (considered) in one or all of your sub-factor ratings, we recommend that you indicate such on your Appeal Form and submit it to Human Resources via email at je.project@queensu.ca, on or before the deadline of September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST.
What if I have changed positions since filling out my JCQ? Will I be evaluating my former or current position?
- You will receive and review the Job Evaluation Results form for the position you are currently in. You can reach out to the previous employee to discuss the results if you are comfortable and if appropriate – consulting with coworkers is always encouraged.
I am currently on approved leave and I have not received my Job Evaluation Results. What do I do?
- Steelworkers on approved leaves at this time (e.g. maternity leave, parental leave, sick leave, LTD, general leave, etc.) will not be receiving their Job Evaluation Results at this time. Some will participate in a future JE phase and review/validate their Job Evaluation Results at a later date (~mid 2021). For those currently on an approved leave, whereby their position has been filled by a temporary employee, will have their Job Evaluation Results reviewed/verified now by the temporary employee. We encourage those on leave to contact the employee temporarily holding their position to collaborate and review the Job Evaluation Results and potentially appeal (if appropriate) together.
I am currently appointed to a newly created position, did not fill out a JCQ in 2018 or 2019 and I have not received my Job Evaluation Results. What do I do?
- Steelworkers currently holding a newly created position whereby a JCQ was not filled out and submitted to Human Resources will not be receiving their Job Evaluation Results at this time. These Steelworkers will participate in a future JE phase and review/validate their Job Evaluation Results at a later date (~mid 2021).
What happens if I am demoted/downgrade through the Job Evaluation Process?
- At the end of the appeal process, if your position is evaluated to a lower grade on the Salary Grid, your current salary will be red-circled (this is a payroll term which means frozen for a temporary period of time). Under normal circumstances you would be moved into the new (lower) grade and your salary would be reduced by 5% per pay grade. Once that was determined your salary would be mapped to the appropriate step in that pay grade.
- However, should this happen to you because of the Job Evaluation Process your salary will not change. You will continue to receive your pre-JE salary until such time as the salary grid (pay scale) catches up with your current salary.
- This normally takes between 12 and 24 months. During this time, you will remain at your pre-JE salary level and will not receive any increases, including any negotiated cost of living adjustments (i.e. scale) until the salary grid (pay scale) catches up with your “red-circled” salary. When this happens negotiated salary increases will be applied to your salary as applicable.
How do I determine if I am part of a Multi-incumbent Group and how many are in the group?
- Look at your JE Results Form to determine this. If in the section titled “Associated IDs” you see more than one Position ID listed, then you are part of a group.
- All associated IDs of each group member should be listed in this section.
- If there is only one Associated ID listed, then you are not in a group and the ID is your position number, and you are reviewing your Job Evaluation Results independently.
How do I appeal if I am part of a Multi-incumbent Group?
- Valid appeals for a multi-incumbent group requires 50% participation of the group members (e.g. if the group has 10 members, at least 5 must agree to appeal for it to be processed).
- If your multi-incumbent group does not meet the 50% threshold, the appeal will not be processed and the information currently on file will be deemed final for all members of the multi-incumbent group.
- The Job Evaluation Results and Appeal process is linked to your final annual salary. Based on this, it is imperative that multi-incumbent groups communicate freely and openly to determine/establish if the 50% appeal threshold is met (if applicable).
- The Job Evaluation Results and Appeal process is not a confidential, private process. It is designed for multi-incumbent groups to communicate and collaborate.
- Multi-incumbent groups MUST EMAIL EACH OTHER to connect with the group and individual members should let the group know:
- if you intend to appeal,
- if you do not intend to appeal, or
- if you are still determining whether or not you intend to appeal (once the decision is made however, then email your group to let them know).
- Multi-incumbent groups can work together to complete 1 Appeal Form that includes all the information. Once the Appeal Form is final, each member must save a copy of the Appeal Form, add their personal signature to the bottom of the Appeal Form, and email it individually to Human Resources at je.project@queensu.ca on or before the deadline of September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST. For clarity, it your multi-incumbent group has 10 members, and all 10 members wish to appeal, then all them Members need to email the same Appeal Document, with individualized signatures, to Human Resources.
- Please note the Appeal Form only has space for 1-member signature and 1 manager signature; there is no space for multi-incumbent group signature blocks.
- Multi-incumbent groups can also work separately to complete 1 Appeal Form without sharing it with the other members. Once the Appeal Form is final, the member must add their personal signature to the bottom of the Appeal Form, and email it individually to Human Resources at je.project@queensu.ca on or before the deadline of September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST. As long as 50% or more of the multi-incumbent group submits an Appeal Form, the appeal will be processed.
- If you find yourself in a multi-incumbent group whereby there is no communication and/or collaboration, you wish to appeal, and you are unable to determine if the 50% appeal threshold has been met, please contact the Union Office by email at jobeval@usw2010.ca and let us know of your concerns. The Union will work to facilitate communications/collaborations within the group.
I can’t download the Appeal Form?
- Please go to the USW2010 website. Log in via the “Member Login” section and you will find all relevant forms for the Job Evaluation process.
What do I do if I do not understand my Job Evaluation Results Form?
- Submit an appeal.
- Results are meant to be transparent and easy to understand.
- On your Appeal Form you can indicate that you are unable to determine if you have been sufficiently credited (considered) in each sub-factor without access to the rating scale. I require a copy of the 12 Sub-Factors and definitions (rating scale) before I can make an informed determination regarding my sub-factor ratings.
I need to see the questions on the original Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) to help in my review. Where can I find that?
Please go to the USW2010 website. Log in via the “Member Login” section and you will find all relevant forms for the Job Evaluation process.
When I submit my Appeal Form should I just say I don’t understand it and that I require the 12 Sub-Factors and definitions (rating scale), or should I also include and missing or omitted information that was not provided in 2018/2019 on my JCQ?
- Please include as much information as possible on your Appeal Form, including missing or additional (omitted) information.
- If the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) was missing information (omitted) or under-describes details about the work performed on the date the JCQ was submitted to Human Resources (e.g. October 2018), you will need to use the Appeal Form to submit the additional information to Human Resources to have your results reassessed.
- Evaluators and auditors cannot credit you for tasks they did not know you were doing on the date you submitted your JCQ. When the project moves into the pay equity phase it will be extremely important that your role is sufficiently described in order to be compared to your closest male comparator.
I have taken on many new duties since I filled out my JCQ in 2018. Should I include these new duties in my appeal?
- The Job Evaluation Results are meant to reflect what you were doing at the time the JCQ was submitted to Human Resources (e.g. October 2018 or April 2019, etc.). This provides a solid baseline of data for a specific time period for all positions in the bargaining unit. If you appeal with new duties added on at a new date, this has the potential to negatively affect any retro pay the Union may be able to negotiate for members.
- In the future when the new JE System is fully implemented and operating (maintenance phase), Steelworkers will be to request a re-evaluation and have the new duties added to your position and evaluated.
If I am already at the top of a salary grade 9 should I bother with an appeal since I can’t technically be promoted?
- Yes, please submit your appeal.
- We need an accurate baseline rating for all positions in our Bargaining Unit.
- It is not the intention of the parties to exclude people based solely on salary range, because of the Job Evaluation process.
- In future phases of the project there is potential for the salary grid to be changed.
On the Appeal Form there is a limited amount of space/characters allowed on the form. What do I do if I run out of space?
- Please compile your additional information on a MS Word document. Once complete, convert your MS Word document to a PDF document, merge it with the PDF Appeal Form, and submit it to Human Resources as 1 document.
- HR has now updated the Appeal Form to allow for more space to submit your additional information, but you can still use MS Word if that is your preference.
HR has been advising that we don’t need to worry about the numerical ratings and the lack of rating scale. Should I be concerned with my rating results?
- Yes, you should be concerned with your sub-factor ratings and whether you have been sufficiently credited (considered) in each sub-factor.
- These ratings will impact the total number of points your position is assigned, and that will ultimately impact your salary.
If somebody at a grade 2 is demoted or someone at a grade 9 is promoted – will they be excluded from the Union based on this Job Evaluation process?
- It is not the intention of the Parties that members are excluded from the bargaining unit because of the Job Evaluation process.
- USW2010 has not yet negotiated what the final salary grid will look like. It is our understanding that current members of USW Local 2010 will remain part of the Union.
I am really busy and my manager is going to Human Resources to ask for more time to review our Job Evaluation Results. Should I just wait and see how that plays out?
- Human Resources has indicated that they are not going to approve any extended timelines for this phase of the project.
Why did the Union not fight to have the 12 Sub-Factors and definitions (rating scale), released to Steelworkers this past year if it is so important?
- In fact, your Union did fight for this very hard, but Human Resource would not budge in their decision. At the time this was negotiated it was the Union’s understanding that Human Resources would produce fulsome, transparent and comparable rationales that would allow members to fully understand how they had been rated. Human Resources changed their approach to how they would produce the rationales given the immense workload.
If the Union has a copy of the 12 Sub-Factors and definitions (rating scale), why not just email it to all Steelworkers?
- If the Union emailed everyone a copy of the 12 Sub-Factors and definitions (rating scale), it would be a breach of contract and the Union could be sued by the university. The risk and liabilities of breaching a contract are significant, need to be strategically weighed, and must be considered as a last resort. We must follow the proper protocol and submit Appeal Forms as evidence to the employer that USW members want to know how they are being rated as it directly impacts their grades on the Salary Grid.
Why am I being asked to review the evaluation results of my job now?
- Earlier this year, the university and USW reached agreement on the rating information for positions in the bargaining unit that were reviewed as part of the ‘job information gathering phase’.
- The next stage of the project involves sharing the rating information (‘results’) with the opportunity for employees and managers to appeal during a specified timeline, if necessary.
- To assist employees with the review of evaluation results, the university and the USW developed a JE Results Form, Guide to JE Results, and an Appeal Process that is being made available to employees and their managers.
- Results will be available starting on August 5, 2020. An appeal can be submitted up to September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST.
- Upon completion of this stage, the university and USW will finalize point bands, determine placement in salary grades, and complete the pay equity analysis.
Who is being asked to review the evaluation results?
- Current incumbents in positions evaluated during the job information gathering phase will be asked to review the evaluation results as part of a process agreed to between the university and USW.
What if my position has been re-evaluated since the JCQ was submitted?
- Incumbents in a position that was re-evaluated since the JCQ was submitted should complete their review of the evaluation results based upon the information that was submitted in the JCQ.
- Analysis of positions that have been re-evaluated since the JCQ was submitted will be undertaken during the first 90 days following implementation of the new job evaluation system.
How was the rating information determined?
- Evaluators assessed the skills, capabilities, and performance requirements for the position and not the skills and capabilities of the incumbent.
- The HR evaluation team applied the JE tool to credit the work being performed by the positions. The Guide to JE Results details certain areas of the JCQ that relate to certain sub-factors although, a wholistic review of all the information provided in the JCQ was considered when crediting the sub-factors.
- The university and USW engaged in a process for resolving any disagreements on the outcome of the evaluation process prior to the results being released to employees.
What am I being asked to review?
- Look back on the job information provided in the JCQ document and compare it to the Description on the JE Results Form selected by the HR evaluators for each sub-factor summarized in the JE Results Form.
- Confirm that the Description reasonably reflects the job information provided in the Primary Area of the JCQ for that sub-factor (refer to the Guide to JE Results for more information).
- Confirm that the Description reasonably reflects the job information contained in the other area(s) of the JCQ referenced by the HR evaluators in their Notes, if any.
If I disagree with the information contained in the JE Results Form, what should I do?
- If the JCQ omits or under-describes details about the work performed on the date of submission of the JCQ, and the evaluators did not sufficiently credit (consider) all of the information provided in the JCQ then complete and submit an Appeal Form on or before September 4, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST.
- If considering an appeal, more information about the Appeal Process is available in the “JE Results Appeal Process” document, and also in page 5 of the “Guide to JE Results”.
Where can I go for more information?
- Initiate a support request via the university’s dedicated job evaluation support line: je.project@queensu.ca or extension 78018.
- Consult with your manager.
- Contact the USW Office at 613-533-2693 or jobevalproject@usw2010.ca to consult with a representative of the USW to discuss your results and/or to seek guidance regarding filing an appeal.

Email jobevalproject@usw2010.ca if you have questions